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28 Sep 2020
9/28/2020 - The confluence of 'Dangerous Technology &
The Surveillance State' and 'Gender
A very disturbing and frightening image that portends the
further rise of the Surveillance State and the Technocratic Oligarchy
is making it's rounds on the internet today.
Video Title:
Robot Dog ���� Strolling in the street - Weischynk
Runtime: 00:10:15 | Original Video Source:
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TWP Archive Date: 28 Sep 2020
Video shows a Boston Dynamics Spot, a quadruped dog-like robot platform encountering a couple of North American, English speaking young women at night on a well lit street in an urban setting. The two young women fawn over the robot while it proceeds down the sidewalk, it appears to sense them and then engages in flash photography of the couple briefly before continuing to proceed down the sidewalk.
Video Title:
Boston Dynamics latest promotional video (The TWP Mix Version) - Robots dancing to contours - do you love me
Runtime: 00:02:34 | Original Video Source:
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TWP Archive Date: 31 Dec 2020
Just ''Creepy'', see for yourself.
People, there is no doubt that
autonomous robots like
these will be the street level enforcers of the Rising Technocratic
Oligarchy emerging around the world today. This robot platform and
it's capabilities to carry a plethora of sensors, electronics packages,
and weapons of all kinds should frighten any thinking person.
Not only is this robot's capabilities a clear and present danger
to our freedoms and our humanity, this video is a warning that we
as a society need to make changes to the way we have reinterpreted
gender roles in contemporary society that is inconsistent with tens
of thousands of years of human evolution and survival as a species.
The first response this robot elicited from the young women,
clearly a typical feminine response, of treating the unknown device
as if it was a kind, friendly, non threatening creature, like a
dog or a child is telling. It is clearly an indictment of the inability
of the typical woman of child bearing age to respond appropriately
to a potential threat.
Women of child bearing age should
be the first among us to realistically and honestly reevaluate the
inherent strengths and weaknesses of their gender. These gender
based personality traits are firmly rooted in biology, were honed
by eons of successful evolution, and can not be disregarded entirely
in order to satisfy unrealistic contemporary demands for social
justice through some artificial construct of 'Gender
To disregard these very real gender differences
is to put women and society at large in unnecessary danger, in addition
to the reduced efficiency of placing people in societal roles for
which they are less than ideally suited for at the most fundamental
and primal levels.
Video Title:
NYPD -Digidog- robotic Police Dog from Boston Dynamics
Runtime: 00:02:34 | Original Video Source:
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TWP Archive Date: 16 Dec 2020
These robots are already being used for Military and Law
enforcement duties. The future is clear in this regard. It may
not be full on ''Terminator''
yet, but it ''The writing is on the wall.''
This can
not be ignored. NYPD and other law enforcement agencies may
attempt to justify the use of these robots by saying it will
save officer lives. This misses the real issue: The street crime
and civil strife being combatted here is caused by a broken
and demoralized society, the wealth inequality and the elimination
of human worth, brought on by bad government policies implemented
through decades of the unhealthy and excessive influence of
Oligarchs and Technocrats at all levels of government, they
are the ones who need to be brought to heel.
Airmen watch a test of an unmanned ground vehicle at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida. Tyndall plans to use the 'computerized canines' to aid in reconnaissance and enhanced security patrolling operations across the base. - Photo Credit - Air Force Airman 1 st Class Tiffany Price
Just take a bite out of that Apple, Honey.
You can peel away the urban legend and rumor, but we
may never know the actual reason why Steve Jobs
chose the logo
of an Apple with a bite taken out of it; to represent the computer
company that he and Steve Wozniak founded in their garage, that
went on to be a major component of the Technocratic Oligarchy
that threatens humanity today. The Judeo-Christian Biblical
reference to the Apple and the serpent in the story of Adam
and Eve from the book of Genesis, can not be totally ignored
though: The representation of the fruit of the tree of knowledge
(of good and evil), was an easily recognizable visual element
that lent itself well to the way that home computers were being
marketed by Jobs et al. to middle class American families at
the time, most of whom were Christian or Jewish.
out the 'religious baggage' of 'God's' divine judgment and punishment
associated with this story of the Apple and the Serpent; and
view it's key parts as if it were one of
Fables. What is left is a secular, cautionary tale traditionally
used to educate children. This story tells a simple and indisputable
truth of human nature: Males and Females of the human species
Think different, behave differently and often
apply different logic and thought processes, based on biological
imperatives that inescapably influence our emotions and decisions.
The moral of the story is that great harm can befall a society
if these differences between the sexes are not taken into consideration
when dividing up and assigning societal roles and duties.
Video Title:
SUPERINTELLIGENCE Trailer (2020) Melissa McCarthy, James Corden Movie
Runtime: 00:02:41 | Original Video Source:
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TWP Archive Date: 28 Nov 2020
Oh... and Honey; this Technocratic Oligarchy we are becoming
subservient to through our increasing acceptance of and reliance
on centralized, networked technology, is not the sentient Artificial
Intelligence entity with the voice of
James Corden
and comprised of the globalized internet of things that achieves
consciousness, and resolves to study and impartially judge the
fate of humanity based on the behavior of one average woman
As portrayed in:
(2020) the sappy, narcissistic, 'made-for-Americans'
movie, especially tailored to stroke the egos of childless,
unfulfilled, middle age, mediocre tech-worker drones, the inevitable
outcome of their mother's generation's reverence for the rantings
of Gloria Steinem;
who fantasize that their meaningless career and 'contribution'
to, what in reality: is a dystopian global surveillance state
administered by multinational corporations, was worth it, as
long as everybody is happy in the short run; because if so,
everything will just work out.
''Masculine republics give way to feminine democracies,
feminine democracies give way to tyranny.''
Aristotle c. 350 B.C.
Video Title:
Disturbing simulation shows power, terror of killer robots
Runtime: 00:07:46 | Original Video Source:
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TWP Archive Date: 01 Nov 2020
Today in 2020 the robotic capability shown in this video
is 'only' a simulation. However, all of individual technologies
shown here currently exist in some iteration. Integrating these
technologies together to achieve this capability is not all
that difficult from an engineering and fabrication standpoint.
It would be naive to think it has not already been done in secret
by existing defense contractors, tech startups and the odd garage
inventor. We need to get out of the mindset that technology
continues to benefit mankind.
'The things
that technology brings us today can be put into three categories:
Toxins and
Tyranny' - Author
'I believe that beginning somewhere in the
early 1990s we achieved the point of diminishing returns on
the benefits of new technology. Currently, our relentless pursuit
of technology and the implementation of this technology has
become detrimental to our species.' -
TWP (On The Cult of Technology.)
11/13/2020 - Universal Basic Income (UBI) is integral
to the transition toward the
Great Reset being ushered in by the
Global Technocratic Oligarchy.
The idea of 'Welfare
for All', paying all people or vast swathes of the public a stipend
to allow them pay their basic living expenses, it would not be connected
to work or productivity, it would just be handed out by the government.
There are already pilot programs here in the US.
Now this
may sound attractive to many who are struggling to find jobs or
adequate employment, but this is idea of UBI is not the savior of
the working poor, or anyone else who would become dependent on it.
The implementation of UBI is a tacit admission by it's promoters,
that the current economic system is failing, broken, or in any case;
just unable to allocate resources and essential commodities effectively
to all members of society.
This is no different to the incentive
plans that were experimented with in the Soviet Union when the Soviet
planners began to realize that communism could not meet the levels
of productivity seen in western free market capitalism. To openly
admit that communism was failing against the capitalist west would
lead to the collapse of the soviet system, social & political
unrest, and chaos (this was later to be seen at the crash of the
USSR in 1991). So what the Soviets did beginning around the 1960's
and increasingly into the 1980's, was
experiment with incentive plans tied to productivity, in other
words; they needed to inject elements of free market capitalism
into their failing Communist system to make it work, but they could
not call it that.
So we need to look at UBI being used by
this Oligarchic Capitalist system as an injection of Communist elements
into a failing and corrupted system, but none would dare admit that
the system is failing.
Eventually the financial weight of
all the people collecting UBI and not producing anything of value
will be too great for the system to bear, and there will inevitably
be 'social unrest' when the UBI they give you will, through inflation
/ rising prices no longer be able to sustain your existence.
Try to imagine where this is all heading. Set aside the abstract
concept of what Americans believe 'freedom' to be, because it will
inevitably be lost with UBI, if it is not already gone; just consider
the following simple equation: How much do you think your life will
be worth to the Globalist Oligarch Masters when you are producing
nothing of value, while collecting UBI and consuming the planet's
diminishing resources?
When nearly all manufacturing jobs
have been outsourced, AI and robots take the rest of the jobs, even
agriculture and food production is automated, and your labor is
not needed for anything at all. Now your existence in this world
is a liability due to your potential for revolt against your masters;
how long do you think you and your offspring will be allowed to
live on this planet?
How about instead of UBI, we cut down
on imported goods, bring manufacturing back to this country and
put people back to meaningful work, then limit the influence of
Oligarchs pushing UBI in our government, and breaking up their
monopolies to keep them out of power and from presenting themselves
an existential threat to all of humanity.
Video Title:
Support the Technocracy - Wear your Mask
Runtime: 00:01:49 | Original Video Source:
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TWP Archive Date: 06 Dec 2020
Joke? - I asked my doctor: 'How long will
COVID-19 be a health threat?'
My Doctor says: 'I don't know,
I don't follow politics'
Everything you really need to
know about COVID-19
11/14/2020 - Quote of the day - Re:
Federal Reserve
Chair Jerome Powell Admits The Truth -
We are Not Going Back To The Same Economy
'This has always been the plan. There never was
any intention of going
back to 'normal.' Now it is
being openly admitted. Freedom lives or dies
on this
hill. The Great Reset is the end of traditional freedom passed
through the
Magna Carta,
French Bill of Rights, and the
US Constitution as we know it. The plan is to return
the world to a
serfdom model of pre-Renaissance Europe where
permission must be
GRANTED to have access to even the most
basic of needs. Look at
the Biden healthcare plan. It clearly
mentions 'tying
benefits to a COVID
vaccination program,* what can only be
considered unlawful
experimentation on human subjects...' -
* According to this July 2020 government study / report,
titled: 'The
Public's Role in COVID-19 Vaccination' conducted by
John Hopkins Bloomberg School
of Public Health and supported by the
National Science Foundation,
It would indeed appear that recommendations were made, and possibly
preparation and planning is being made to make receiving food
stamps and rent assistance contingent upon receiving an experimental
COVID vaccine. Also note the list of members of this working
group includes
Luciana Borio, MD, Vice-President,
In-Q-Tel, who was
invited to serve on the
Biden-Harris COVID-19 task force. Arlington, Virginia based
In-Q-Tel, the Pentagon &
venture capital arm, has a colorful history of
seeding companies that we are beginning to recognize as part
of the Technocratic Oligarchy like
12/21/2020 The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
is researching the use of people's online information such as
web browsing history, social media posts, online search history
and email data.
The IMF published a white paper on this research and is
examining protocols for having banks use this information to
calculate your credit score either in conjunction with traditional
''hard'' financial data, or in lieu of it.
Either way
it is discomforting to know that anything you say and do online
can have
real world financial consequences. This is just one more
example that the internet and social media is no longer a plaything,
and has evolved to surveil and collect information on you; it
may soon be regularly used to punish political dissent in a
supposedly "free" democratic society like ours. If you want
to see how this is going to play out, just look to
China with their ''social credit score'' system, among other
things you can be denied bank loans and credit cards for criticizing
the government or CCP.
Video Title:
The Mainstream Media News - Operation Mockingbird in operation
Runtime: 00:01:41 | Original Video Source:
Downloadable mp4 Mirror:
TWP Archive Date: 16 Nov 2020
Tools of the Technocratic Oligarchy
Do not fully believe anything you see on the
mainstream media, much of it is scripted and possibly part
of a CIA
disinformation campaign. 'We the People' are on our own
for finding out the truth and accurate news and information
about current events.
Notice that these individual news
casts come from a variety of major TV & Cable networks,
not just one 'player' here; they are all
compromised, and not a single one is to be trusted.
'If you believe everything your see and hear on the
mainstream media, you are a fool.' -
Video Title:
Dr. Robert Epstein Testimony before a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution
Runtime: 00:07:06 | Original Video Source:
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TWP Archive Date: 06 Jan 2021
Google has the power to shift people's votes by
manipulating search results, and may have compromised both
the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections.
to contain Big Tech is the biggest failure of 2020'' -
Charlie Kirk
Google went from being a ''mild mannered, humble
librarian of the internet'', to an absolute Orwellian
monster. It is about time that something is done to break up
Google's virtual monopoly on internet search; just don't
hold your breath waiting for the U.S. Government to make any
meaningful changes to anything, that will be of any real
benefit to the working middle class.
Video Title:
Political Disruptions: Combating Disinformation and Fake News
Runtime: 00:02:17 | Original Video Source:
Downloadable mp4 Mirror:
TWP Archive Date: 16 Nov 2020
Video except credit: Max Blumenthal -
Council on Foreign Relations - final session of the 2018
College and University Educators Workshop, Kelly M. Greenhill,
Joan Donovan, and Benjamin T. Decker assess the challenges of
disinformation and media literacy, and its role in U.S. democracy,
with Richard Stengel.
Significance of this video: it
is a formal admission that the United States Government / the
U.S. State Department propagandizes the American people through
the mainstream media and actively promotes an official narrative.
Video Title:
President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech - version 2
Runtime: 00:05:23 | Original Video Source:
Downloadable mp4 Mirror:
TWP Archive Date: 25 Nov 2020
In a
speech to the American Newspaper Publishers Association
on April 27, 1961, president Kennedy warned the nation about
the dangers
of secret societies within government, and of the importance
of a free and uncensored press to a free and open society.
This speech is probably more profound today, in 2020
when we are witnessing wholesale
censorship in social media, and the establishment of 'official
narratives' that are parroted by all of the mainstream media,
while all
dissent gets pushed out of the national
In fact, the idea of 'unacceptable'
speech is becoming so commonplace, that there is even a name
to define what constitutes the limits of acceptable speech:
The Overton
Video Title:
The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation
Runtime: 00:29:54 | Original Video Source:
Downloadable mp4 Mirror:
TWP Archive Date: 28 Dec 2020
No discussion of the Oligarchy would be complete without
including at least a basic explanation and illustration of the
Oligarchy's Primary Power Structure: Banking, Finance and Fiat
Currency creation.
Although this webpage focuses on the
alliance of the Technocracy and the Oligarchy; it is important
to note that the collection of networked, interconnected digital
devices, and systems of internet based communication, online
media, including but not limited to the ''Internet of Things'';
that are being formed into the global surveillance network,
a ''Digital Gulag'' if you will: The physical and virtual hardware
and infrastructure of the "Technocracy" and the people who administer
it. This so called Technocracy is only the most recent tool
or branch of a much older system of oppression and enslavement
that creates and uses fiat currency to dominate people and every
aspect of their lives from cradle to grave.
Note: The main point of this video is to offer a very simple introduction
to the study of banking and finance as a Oligarchic Control
Structure, and to begin to elaborate on the the
amount of power and influence that the banking and finance
industries wield on global society.
we may never know the true story about the JFK
assassination; the idea that JFK was assassinated due to his
promotion of Silver Certificates has been debunked quite
well by the
Corbett Report episode 389.
However, do
not discount the following:
Allowing an elite banking cartel free reign to convert a nation's
Commodity Backed Currency into Fiat
Money can have serious consequences for a nation
and it's people.
There needs to be additional research and discussion on the actual socio-economic impact of President Nixon taking us off of the Gold Standard in 1971 and, if warranted: A reversal back to the Gold Standard.
Video Title:
Fiat Money - an Investopedia educational video
Runtime: 00:01:41 | Original Video Source:
Downloadable mp4 Mirror:
TWP Archive Date: 02 Jan 2021
There needs to be additional research and discussion on the actual socio-economic impact of President Nixon taking us off of the Gold Standard in 1971 and, if warranted: A reversal back to the Gold Standard.
Video Title:
Do not Acquiesce to fascism. Original (overly dramatic) title: [CLASSIFIED] Watch Within the Next 24 hrs - PREPARE NOW
Runtime: 00:10:07 | Original Video Source:
Downloadable mp4 Mirror:
TWP Archive Date: 28 Dec 2020
We at TWP are not a big fans of ''Anonymous'',
this operator or group of operators seems generally
light on facts, overly dramatic, and some of what they
release might be planned opposition or controlled
''leaks'', sprinkled with tidbits of real, possibly
recently declassified information; designed
overall to confuse, misinform, or discredit those who
have the budding inclination for independent thought.
However, some of what they release; like this
video, which contrary to it's original title; does not
seem to contain anything of a specific ''classified'
nature; appears to contain some common sense observation
and useful advise.
In 1961 President
Kennedy, in his ''Secret Society'' speech (see
above) warned of just this sort a global conspiracy,
and the need to be vigilant against it. This video takes
it a step further and reminds us we need to come
together as a human family, set aside our differences,
and do not acquiesce to the creeping fascism that is
devouring the world and jeopardizing the lives of future
generations. The Technocratic Oligarchy can not rise if
we simply
refuse to cooperate with it.